Pennsylvania Total Loss Threshold
Pennsylvania-Auto-Total-Loss-Threshold-By-Law 🔗 (pdf)
State | Pennsylvania |
Rule | Total Loss Formula (TLF) |
Law | 75 Pa. Cons. Stat. Ann. § 102 |
Pennsylvania Total Loss Threshold
102. Definitions.
“Classic motor vehicle.” A motor vehicle, but not a reproduction thereof, manufactured at least 15 years prior to the current year which has been maintained in or restored to a condition which is substantially in conformity with manufacturer specifications and appearance. Any classic motor vehicle registered under section 1340 (relating to antique and classic plates) on the effective date of the amendment to this definition which fails to qualify as a classic motor vehicle pursuant to these provisions may retain such classic registration unless another type of registration is applied for and issued for the vehicle.
“Electric vehicle.” A motor vehicle which operates solely by use of a battery or battery pack and which meets the applicable Federal motor vehicle safety standards. The term includes a motor vehicle which is powered mainly through the use of an electric battery or battery pack but which uses a flywheel that stores energy produced by the electric motor or through regenerative braking to assist in operation of the motor vehicle.
“Hybrid electric vehicle.” An electric vehicle which allows power to be delivered to the drive wheels solely by a battery-powered electric motor but which also incorporates the use of a combustion engine to provide power to the battery and which meets the applicable Federal motor vehicle safety standards. The primary source of power for the motor must be the electric battery or battery pack and not the combustion engine.
“Reconstructed vehicle.” A vehicle, other than an antique or classic vehicle, for which a certificate of salvage was issued and is thereafter restored to operating condition to meet the vehicle equipment and inspection standards under Part IV (relating to vehicle characteristics).
“Salvage vehicle.” A vehicle which is inoperable or unable to meet the vehicle equipment and inspection standards under Part IV (relating to vehicle characteristics) to the extent that the cost of repairs would exceed the value of the repaired vehicle. The term does not include a vehicle which would qualify as an antique or classic vehicle except for its lack of restoration or maintenance.